This week I’m talking about knitting books because there is so much in them that we either don’t know is there or forget to look at! I also talk about stitch dictionaries and how you can pick out your favourites from them.

Some of my favourite stitch dictionaries:

  • Norah Gaughan’s Knitting Cable Sourcebook
  • AlterKnit Stitch Dictionary by Andrea Rangel
  • Knitting Brioche Lace by Nancy Marchant

And an apology to Mary Jane Mucklestone whose books I attributed to Ann Kingstone. Both designers have beautiful colourwork books but it was Mary Jane’s Fair Isle Designs & 150 Scandinavian Knitting Designs that I talked about in the podcast.

In a future episode I’ll talk about adding a stitch from a dictionary to a specific pattern!

Now lovelies, I’m away. Next week I’ll be talking to the amazing Abby Parkes of Orchidean Luxury Yarns who is joining me for the inaugural Desert Island Knits!

Take care lovelies and get knit done!

Michelle x

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I started Knit School and the Get Knit Done podcast because I met a lot of knitters who were nervous about taking the leap to more advanced patterns & techniques and I wanted to help knitters to feel that they CAN KNIT ANYTHING they want!  Knitting is definitely not rocket science and everyone can be an awesome knitter including you!

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